Dunedin HospitalHospitalGeneral hospital200 Reviews59 CommentsLauder School B&BHospitalBed & breakfast54 ReviewsMercy HospitalHospitalPrivate hospital46 Reviews22 CommentsNew Zealand School of Tourism - …HospitalHospitality and tourism school7 Reviews5 CommentsPacific Radiology - Breastscreen …HospitalMammography service2 ReviewsDunedin North Mental Heath TeamHospitalHospital3 ReviewsDunedin Hospital Frederick Street …HospitalHospital department1 Reviews1 CommentsCardiologyHospitalHospital department1 ReviewsCancer Society of NZ Inc (Otago …HospitalCancer treatment center1 Reviews1 CommentsWard 9AHospitalHospitalThe HospitalHospitalSouthern DHB Building and Property …HospitalHospitalSecure mental unitHospitalHospitalRheumatologyHospitalHospital departmentpoo centreHospitalHospitalOphthalmologyHospitalHospital departmentOncologyHospitalHospital departmentGynaecologyHospitalHospital departmentDunedin Hospital Emergency RoomHospitalEmergency room18 Reviews2 CommentsDidn’t you find what you are looking for? You can see all the reviews in Dunedin, or you can see all the reviews about Hospital in New Zealand.