Apanui Primary SchoolSchoolPrimary school1 ReviewsAwakeri Hot SpringsSchoolHoliday park941 ReviewsApanui SchoolSchoolSchool15 Reviews8 CommentsWhakatane High SchoolSchoolHigh school16 Reviews13 CommentsTe Whare Wananga o Awanuiarangi, …SchoolEducational institution7 Reviews4 CommentsJames Street SchoolSchoolPrimary school8 Reviews4 CommentsTrident High SchoolSchoolSecondary school19 Reviews6 CommentsToi Ohomai Institute of Technology, …SchoolEducational institution6 Reviews5 CommentsAwakeri SchoolSchoolSchool5 Reviews3 CommentsWhakatāne IntermediateSchoolMiddle school15 Reviews6 CommentsMananui PlaycentreSchoolKindergarten7 Reviews5 CommentsAllandale Primary SchoolSchoolPrimary school5 Reviews4 CommentsStage Door Performing Arts AcademySchoolEducational institution3 Reviews1 CommentsTe Kura Maori-A-Rohe O WaiohauSchoolSchool3 Reviews3 CommentsRangitaiki Independent SchoolSchoolPrimary school3 Reviews4 CommentsTe Kura Kaupapa Maori o Te Orini ki …SchoolSchool4 Reviews3 CommentsSt Joseph's Catholic SchoolSchoolCatholic school3 Reviews2 CommentsAerohire Ltd (Whakatane Flying …SchoolFlight school4 Reviews2 CommentsThornton SchoolSchoolSchool2 Reviews1 CommentsEastbayREAPSchoolEducational institution3 ReviewsTe Timatanga Hou Ki WhakataneSchoolSchool1 Reviews1 CommentsTe Kura O Te ParoaSchoolSchool4 Reviews2 CommentsTe Kiriwera Hana Kōhanga ReoSchoolSchool1 Reviews1 CommentsPohutukawa PreschoolSchoolPreschool1 Reviews1 CommentsMatariki Early Childhood CentreSchoolSchool1 Reviews1 CommentsManawahe SchoolSchoolSchool1 Reviews1 CommentsDouglas St Early Learning CentreSchoolSchool1 ReviewsTe Kura o Te TekoSchoolSchool1 Reviews1 CommentsThe Tree House Bilingual Montessori …SchoolSchoolTe Mahoe SchoolSchoolSchoolShannon a burnsSchoolSchoolNorthern Health School - Whakatane …SchoolSchoolNgati Awa Tertiary Training …SchoolSchoolKokohinau Kōhanga ReoSchoolSchoolCreative IdeasSchoolArt schoolAwakeri PlaycentreSchoolKindergartenDidn’t you find what you are looking for? You can see all the reviews in Whakatane, or you can see all the reviews about School in New Zealand.